Email marketing of any kind can be one of the primary strategies you use to attract prospective real estate buyers. Email usage typically exceeds six hours each day among people worldwide – providing constant engagement. But that doesn’t make creating effective email campaigns an effortless endeavor!
Accessibility to emails makes life challenging for some individuals; people find themselves constantly receiving new ones that interrupt them from all directions, leading them to selectively engage only certain messages they feel compelled to read or respond to.
Your goal in email marketing as a realtor should be to outshine all other agents. An effective email marketing method involving drip-emailing will be explored further below.
What Is a Drip Campaign?
Drip campaigns get their name because they’re sent out on an ongoing basis or whenever a prospect takes an action that triggers them, such as replying or clicking an link, so they are often referred to as drips.
At any step in this process, you have full control of choosing how many emails to send and at what frequency. Although they’re not automated emails, you still can customize them according to your own unique requirements.
Drip emails provide the foundation of any effective automation strategy. A steady drip occurs.
Why Use an Email Campaign of This Kind?
Drip marketing allows companies to turn potential buyers or clients into loyal ones more easily and engage otherwise inactive audiences – the aim being for closer relations and deeper interactions amongst participants of these campaigns.
Get connected with the appropriate people at the appropriate moment according to where their journey lies; all automatically scheduled.
Develop Your Drip Marketing Plan
If you are planning on increasing the level of email marketing by 2022, creating your strategy should include several considerations when developing it. Following client pathways would be most ideal.
As it can be exhausting to convince all prospects immediately to purchase, sending out emails which resonate with leads regardless of where they’re at in their process can help make an impressionable statement about yourself and the product or service offered by you.
As part of your strategic planning efforts for drip email, one important first step should be identifying segments.
- Your mailing list needs to reflect which segment each individual belongs to; in other words, buyers who were past sellers or leads from specific locations.
- Timing is another key consideration. Deliberating when and how often to send emails can help determine the success of each segment in your database; weekly mailouts might not make the cut if their audiences can’t purchase yet.
- Consider also using events-driven triggers; such as surveys on your website or clickable links in emails sent earlier.
- Start creating and sending drip marketing messages using software such as Mail Chimp or Constant Contact.
At first it can be challenging to grasp, so one way of beginning this journey is identifying your most essential audience segment within your larger following group – for instance clients you have closed before as customers or those closest to home who might become future followers of your account.
Focusing your campaign efforts on one group allows you to more directly address their specific issues, making your campaign more relevant to them and their concerns.
Be Mindful of the Entire Experience
When managing drip campaigns, it’s essential that you consider how each email impacts recipients overall rather than considering it in isolation.
What will their journey look like once they go through each of your messages, what do they see and how do those messages connect together?
Each sequence should meet a purpose that’s unique to its target segment, for instance if creating drip messages to prospective homeowners who are first time buyers you must consider what guidance and assistance the buyers might require during this journey.
Attractively merge the needs and journey of both segments for successful marketing emails that resonate.